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We invite you to receive healing transmissions over the Winter Solstice.  On Thursday 21st December the day before the Solstice we have been called to Avebury and Stonehenge to anchor star codes, purification energies and deep healing for the Earth and all those that wish to receive from us at this powerful time from these sacred sites.

The actual Solstice occurs at 3:27 am GMT on the 22nd but the Solstice portal will be felt for a few days either side. As it seems like the sun stands still, the shortest day ready for the light to increase, here we are able to go deeply into our hearts, our pure essence, for deep healing and integration of our true selves. Here we can reach higher levels of consciousness and expand our being on much deeper levels. The cosmic rays blasting through this portal are igniting our remembrance, our divine knowing, our divine power and light helping us individually and collectively. Time is further collapsing and our multi-dimensional awareness increasing. Your sense of self, who and what you are and why you are here is becoming clearer and major upgrades are available.

These transmissions are sent from Emma, Terri and our Sacred Woman circle of sisters.  We are a group of guardians and gatekeepers working with these powerful gateways to anchor enlightenment energy and to support Earths ascension.  A major part of our role is to anchor the Divine Feminine energy into the Earth’s grids, allowing the balancing of polarities to support Earths ascension.  We will be working with the feminine activation points at Uluru, Mount Shasta, the Atacama desert, Lake Titicaca, Starhenge and Glastonbury’s Chalice Well as well as many more anchoring through the grids at Avebury and Stonehenge.  These powerful downloads of feminine energy are activating our feminine aspects whilst balancing the masculine/feminine polarities within as well as for the collective.

We will be working with Source, the Archangels, Ascended Masters, high galactics, the dragon and serpent/snake realms and many more. Much of our work is over lighted by Maitreya, Mother Mary, Yeshua and Mary Magdalene who have many blessings to share with us all at this time. We will be anchoring what best supports our personal and collective healing and growth.

We will be activating portals, sharing planetary and personal energy healing and upgrades, sharing Cosmic Christ codes, anchoring star codes from Sirius, andromeda, Lyra and more.

This solstice is igniting a force field of love for all humanity. It’s upgrading all that we are.  The collective is going through a transmutation phase as old debris is clearing and our new levels are made manifest.  Energies are coming through to help us adapt and integrate our physical and light bodies to the new incoming light streams, moving us deeper and deeper into 5D physicality and the new golden age. Be aware that much is purging, slow down, give your self space to adapt, to let go and to integrate what you need.

Our sun has upgraded through the 12:12 portal, energies are surging through from the great central sun and beyond. New stars are coming into our awareness and energy, bringing new light and support.  Know that new timelines are becoming available, our DNA is upgrading, new abilities are manifesting and so much more.  This is an exciting time of change, we ARE manifesting the New Earth, fear IS dissolving, the grids ARE clearing and upgrading, the truth IS surfacing, the world IS awakening.  You are a part of this and your active participation amplifies and quickens this for the highest good of all.  By coming together at these powerful times we can co-create the New Earth with much greater ease, healing collective trauma and helping the Earth to move through her ascension with much less physical disruption.

These transmissions help you to purify and heal, to assimilate the new energies and seal them in, to activate and heighten your personal power and light and to open your hearts helping you to live from love for the highest good of all. With this you will feel greater self love and love for others, embodiment, connection to Source and others, heightening your sense of belonging and ease in the world, as well as having greater self trust and knowing.

Take time over this Solstice to really invoke who and what you are, call in your higher levels, merge with them and Source. Set intentions to live your best self everyday, to express your highest path for this lifetime for yourself and all. Take time to be with yourself, to flow with nature, with the divine, with God/Source. For you are not separate. Feel it. Embody this knowing. Live in this heightened expression of your divine will, divine worth, power and love.

Join us as we share with you these transmissions helping you to make the most of this potent opportunity for healing, embodiment and expansion.  The transmissions will be sent throughout the day with a focus at 2pm.  Energies may continue throughout the night, into the 22nd and beyond whilst this portal remains open.

Event details:

  • Date: Thursday 21st December
  • Time: 10:00 am – 6:00 pm with a focus at 2pm
  • Location: Global Transmissions being sent throughout the day from Avebury and Stonehenge.

Meditation instructions for connecting with our groups energy and the Winter Solstice portal

By signing up you are opening up to receive.  Trust that you are protected throughout and will only receive what is for your highest good.  These events are fully overseen by Archangels Haniel and Sandalphon who will be guiding and supporting us all throughout.  

Energies will be sent throughout the day but here is a suggested meditation to help you maximise your healing and transformation during this time:

1. Find a quiet space where you won’t be disturbed.
2. Call on God and the Angels asking for grounding and protection.
3. When you feel ready ask to be connected to our group and the Winter Solstice energy.
4. Be open and trust the process, allowing yourself to receive or share all that is for the highest and greatest good.
5. Meditate and stay open to guidance.
6. Bring yourself back gently, giving thanks to all involved.


Receive transmissions remotely £5.00 (Please note no recording of video or audio will be sent. An email will be sent a day or two after sharing details of what we experienced and shared.)

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